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Facilitation and Facilitator's Training

Facilitation: The Power of Sharing Stories

There are many models of faciliation. At, we don't merely facilitate the brainstorming of ideas. Rather, we believe in creating safe spaces for the sharing of personal stories. With the sharing of personal stories, dialogue no longer remains merely an intellectual exercise, but becomes something that we are personally invested in. We ask, "Why does this matter to me and to us?", and "What can I do about it?"


Sharing of stories in group is powerful in so many ways. On a personal level, participants often feel relieved and empowered to be able to share their story and be heard. Listening to others share their story often makes participants feel that they are no longer alone. Facilitators facilitate not just the sharing of stories, but helps the group learn to affirm and support each other, building community. Facilitators are able to create a safe container for often very strong emotions. The facilitation does not merely end with the sharing of stories but often helps people reflect on how the stories have impacted them and what actionable change can be made. We believe in the power of stories to effect deep personal, group and social change.


In particular, we facilitate such dialogue around sensitive and difficult issues such as race, religion, diversity, mental health or even sexual violence.

the power of the story
Group Meeting Singapore
Facilitator Training Singapore

Faciliator Training

At, we also train facilitators to create these safe spaces for in-depth conversation. We train facilitators in designing experiential activities to facilitate the creation of these safe spaces. We give them tips and tools on how to make the space safe, how to manage strong emotions, how to encourage participation, how to manage difficult participants, how to help the group come together and support each other in the process. Training is experiential and hands-on in nature. Participants will get the chance to practice facilitation in a safe learning environment, with trainers offering feedback.

Sampling of Past Facilitation Work and Facilitators Training

  • Facilitating School Superintendents at Schools West, Schools Division, Ministry of Education, Branch Meeting (2019)

  • Facilitating Vice-Principals who are Facilitators of Network Learning Communities, Student Management, West Zone (2019)

  • Facilitation Skills workshop, West Zone 3 Cluster Board Meeting, held at Methodist Girls’ School (2019)

  • Facilitating Safe Spaces Workshop @ Principals’ Academy (2019, 2020)

  • Moderator, Gnana Shakthi Panel (panel discussion on women’s empowerment in conjunction with Hindu Navarathri Festival) by Sri Gnanananda Giri Peetam (2020)

  • Lead Facilitator and Panel Speaker, A Holding Space, online sexual abuse forum (2020)

  • Project Designer and Facilitator, Being Community, a 9-month-long campaign to talk about racial and religious discrimination in Singapore (2021)

  • Facilitator, Facilitation Skills Workshop for teachers, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) (2021, 2022)

  • Organiser and  Panel Speaker, Faith and Mental Health Dialogue by Whitehatters, supported by MCCY (2022)

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